Manifestation 101

Gepubliceerd op 29 januari 2025 om 11:07

Manifestation Runbook for 'Losers' (aka Future Winners)

1. Accept Where You Are (But Don’t Unpack Your Bags)

  • You might feel stuck, broke, lonely, or lost. Cool. That’s just your starting point, not your destiny.
  • Stop calling yourself a loser—your brain listens.

2. Define the Win (Even If It Feels Impossible Right Now)

  • Be ridiculously specific about what you want. “I want money” → Nope. “I want $10K in my account by June 1st” → Yes.
  • Make it something that excites you, not just what sounds ‘realistic.’

3. Rewire Your Inner Dialogue

  • Every time you think “I suck”, replace it with “I’m figuring it out”—even if you don’t believe it yet.
  • Write down your goal like it’s already happening: “I am a person who makes smart money moves” instead of “I hope I get out of debt.”

4. Take Tiny, Unsexy Action

  • Manifestation isn’t magic; it’s aligning your actions with your vision.
  • Ask: “What would a person who has what I want do today?” Then do one tiny step in that direction.

5. Stop Hanging With The ‘Everything Sucks’ Club

  • Misery loves company. If your circle is full of negativity, leave the group chat (literally and figuratively).
  • Find people who are already where you want to be—even if it’s just following them online for now.

6. Expect The Dip (And Keep Going Anyway)

  • Stuff will go wrong. You’ll doubt yourself. That’s not a ‘sign’ to quit—it’s just how growth works.
  • Keep going. Adjust. Don’t romanticize failure, but don’t fear it either.

7. Make The Win Inevitable

  • Show up daily, even when you don’t feel like it.
  • Track progress in a way that makes you feel accomplished (tiny wins count).
  • Trust that if you stay consistent, it has no choice but to work.

Final Thought: You’re not a loser. You’re just in your plot-twist era. Keep going.

Want me to tweak anything?

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