Spiritualo Santo crowd

Gepubliceerd op 20 januari 2025 om 08:22

If You’re Not Fighting the Oppressive Systems, You’re Part of the Problem—And That Includes Your Favorite “Gurus”

Let’s get one thing straight: spirituality without accountability is just glitter-coated escapism. And in a world collapsing under the weight of patriarchy, the deep state, tech overlords, and unchecked capitalism, any spiritual teacher, guru, or influencer not actively fighting the oppressive systems is worth less than nothing. No, seriously. They’re not just useless; they’re harmful. And today, we’re calling them out—Teal Swan, Jerry Sargeant, and Shekinna from Mount Shasta, yes, we’re looking at you—alongside the usual suspects like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Elon, and Trump. Buckle up, folks.

The Effects of Patriarchy, Deep State Shenanigans, and Democracy’s Death Rattle

We’re living in an era where oppression isn’t just a shadowy concept; it’s the default operating system. Patriarchy grinds women, LGBTQ+ folks, and marginalized communities into the dust while pretending to hand out empowerment in bite-sized TED Talk soundbites. Democracy? Oh, honey, that died the day Cambridge Analytica took a joyride through your grandma’s Facebook feed to swing elections with racist memes. Zuckerberg, that smug data peddler, is the middleman between your aunt’s cat videos and the collapse of civil society.

And while we’re all out here trying to make rent, Jeff Bezos is out of benzos but still manages to send penis-shaped rockets into space. Elon Musk, meanwhile, tweets through mid-life crises while union-busting at Tesla. It’s dystopia dressed up in tech-bro cosplay.

Spiritual Charlatans Are the New Snake Oil Salespeople

In the midst of this chaos, you’d think spiritual leaders would rise up as warriors for justice, right? WRONG. Enter Teal Swan, Jerry Sargeant of Star Magic Healing, and Shekinna from Mount Shasta, a holy trinity of New Age nonsense that sells watered-down spiritual truths at a premium.

Teal Swan, with her sleek YouTube channel and pseudo-psychological babble, doesn’t empower you; she exploits your trauma for clicks and cash. Her “shadow work” is less about healing and more about creating a fanatical following of people who’ll keep buying her overpriced courses.

Then we have Jerry Sargeant, who claims he can heal people with some cosmic woo-woo he calls “Star Magic.” Spoiler alert: it’s not magic. It’s just Jerry lining his pockets with your hard-earned money while regurgitating vaguely spiritual platitudes that a drunk fortune cookie could come up with.

And Shekinna from Mount Shasta? Sis, you are NOT channeling pure source energy. You’re channeling ego. Selling “sacred” retreats at luxury prices isn’t spiritual; it’s predatory. Pure source energy isn’t found in a $3,000 “activation retreat.” It’s found in dismantling systems of oppression, but Shekinna’s too busy posing for Instagram.

Why This Matters

The true essence of spirituality is liberation—liberation of the self AND the collective. If your favorite guru isn’t addressing the structural violence of patriarchy, the corruption of democracy, or the tech oligarchs’ chokehold on society, they’re just peddling spiritual bypassing. That’s right: all those “just raise your vibration” types are helping maintain the status quo, whether they know it or not.

Trump and his ilk openly sell hatred and division. Zuckerberg’s platform amplifies it. Bezos and Musk profit from it. And these so-called spiritual teachers? They’re the ones sprinkling sage and crystals over this toxic mess, telling you to focus on your chakras while the world burns. It’s the ultimate distraction.

The Wake-Up Call

We need spiritual teachers who are revolutionaries, not charlatans. If your guru isn’t talking about dismantling capitalism, fighting climate change, or standing up for marginalized voices, it’s time to find a new one. Spirituality is meaningless if it’s not rooted in action. Light and love won’t fix systemic oppression, but organized resistance might.

So, let’s stop giving these frauds our time, energy, and money. Unfollow Teal Swan. Skip Jerry Sargeant’s scammy “Star Magic” sessions. Don’t go anywhere near Shekinna’s Mount Shasta retreats unless you’re in the market for overpriced nonsense. Instead, channel your spiritual energy into the real fight: taking down oppressive systems.

Because if you’re not fighting for liberation, you’re not spiritual. You’re just complicit.

Final Thoughts

And Jeff Bezos? He’s still out of benzos. Somebody get that man some therapy and a reality check. And maybe—just maybe—a one-way ticket to Mars, where he can finally be alone with his wealth and his empty soul. Elon can drive.

Stay woke, stay fierce, and for the love of everything sacred, stop supporting charlatans.

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